Thursday, August 5, 2010

Is Ignorance Really Bliss?

The theme in my title is the theme of my feelings toward life lately-if I cant see or hear it, it cant bother me.

Although it is working to my advantage, things are really good. I have so much to look forward to! Patience is something I lack almost completely, mainly because I dont see impossibilities in my future.

I was almost thinking about starting a group for younger people to learn how to make the most of their personalities, but then I am no good at talking publicly and who am I to dictate these people? Some may listen but others probably would think I was crazy.

I wrote in my journals a couple of weeks ago about how awkward moments change tiny aspects in people. I thought of those most awkward times when you hook up with a person. That moment when they stare into your eyes for that brief second and theres a lot of shaky nervous laughter, and a hand gets placed on your knee or arm and you spend moments in time trying to figure out what the hell to say or if your makeup has smudged or your hair looks good. Then the crescendo of leaning in for the closed eyed kiss wondering whether you should open your mouth a bit for effect and your playing your favourite soppy or dirty song (whatever you were after-romance or a booty call) in the back of your head, OH! there it goes, you've made connection, now what? This is the process that causes some of the greatest emotions leading into a heavy head of thoughts on your pillow. Worth it? Better to leap than to glue your feet to the sad ground.

I figure that you could compare yourself to a character in a show/movie, you know the one you are always yelling at "GOD, JUST SAY WHAT YOU WANNA SAY ALREADY!!", sitting in the corner, wall-flowering it up, meanwhile the others that took the leap of faith strut away from you in slow motion with 'Bittersweet Symphony' by The Verve playing loudly. As awkward as watching a movie with sex scenes in front of your parents.
I find it all works to just make the comparison, at least you can empathize a little.

Not Just For Yours Truly..

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