Sunday, August 8, 2010

Learning To Hunt

The beauty of living life is experiencing the highest highs with all the experiences that come with it, but for one extreme, there is another.

We as people, can experience some agonizing pain, sadness and despair, but still (most of the time), will live to see the next day.

The beauty of the future is anything could happen at anytime and anywhere, good or bad.

Which brings me to think about taking steps in life. We all have the urge to find our purpose-a job, an education, friends and a love life (however you want it)-and be content with that. I'm not social enough to know many life purposes and where they lead, but Ive seen plenty from a far and of course, experienced it first hand.

Ive loved, had my heart broken, had great jobs, different types of education and enough people experience to know better; and yet, still take chances in every aspect hoping to come out happy on the other side. Only rarely has this happened. I found the 'ONE' late 2008, but didnt fall for him until early 2009; felt like a lifetime waiting for him to meet me, but he kept hanging around for me to get over some bad things that I had to endure in the previous years.

I admit here, that my horrible experiences were not all someone else's fault, they were mostly mine and I am not scared to say it, just ashamed about hurting people who did not deserve it. I dont feel sorry for those who deserved the grief I caused them.

When you do find someone that is worth your time and energy, you tend to see things in such a different light, its crazy. You gain a sense of realism and respect for such simple things. 

Do not fear if you havent found someone, they are most likely found in a parent, a friend or even a pet! Having a serious relationship is not the be all and end all, its an opening to possibilities and great challenges. I always hear people yearn to find the 'ONE', yeah, its amazing and you want to feel that awesome 'chemistry' when you know that that person staring at you awkwardly in a moment suspended in time is who you are going to be with for a long, long time....honestly...its worth the wait. 

Make the right decision and do not settle for second best, ever.

If you are hasty and impulsive, you could dig a deep hole which you may never get out of. I was once like that, and I managed to anger a large group of people which is why Im making up for it now by respecting and trying not to judge those around me.

Its typical to gossip and feel jealousy for those who have what you want, but is it going to be worth it when you crash into their happiness? You might feel good for a little, but in the end it didnt really get you anywhere.

There are people who will have what you want and really do not deserve it, but trust me, they have problems, and sometimes a lot worse off than you think.

An example of capturing a feeling that explains my point:
You are at a funeral, a young person has died suddenly, you think to yourself, wow, I need to change aspects of my life, I could be that dead person.
You spend a week putting it into practice, then get over it and go back to your old ways.
Your actions are purely yours, in the end, you are the one you have to put up with at the end of the day.

Respect and love those who care for you most, when bad things happen, they are the only ones who will hold your hand through the rough....and they will never judge you.

I dedicate this post to the only true love I have ever had, my baby, my parents, his parents, my bro and my sis and bro in law and all our families. You have all shown me the light into a life I want to live forever.

Not Just For Yours Truly...

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