Monday, August 9, 2010

Operation Calm After The Storm

Theres a point in time where you realise what decisions you want to make in life, whether it be right now, tonight, tomorrow or even next year; then you think, how can I achieve the right outcome?

You think about all the people around you and what they may think, but honestly, does it matter that much what anyone thinks?

Time after time you spend going over what may happen, and hope that its for the best, then anything happens. Its marvelous!

You pass people in the street that you may know of and all the rumours you have heard about them, and wonder how they live day after day and how much they know about you.

When a disagreement happens, almost everyone never sees sense past a wall they place in front of themselves, because at the time, you swear you have all the facts and will be fine. This can turn into a massive argument and make you so angry you cant see straight. You could start yelling and screaming, crying even. Then, after all this, something happens-it stops. The hurricane that just swept up your emotion, sense and whole body; disappears and you pick up the pieces of damage just caused. Everyone hates this feeling and this event, but anywhere and anytime-it happens.

Thats why when you walk past people in the street you wonder if they could tell how you feel, or how you are acting and you start on the defensive thinking you have to protect yourself against gossip. 

What a strange process, like grooming a farm animal, seems pointless but it is done anyway.

I have got all these pieces of paper explaining to me how to breathe and sleep in order to keep some calm in situations that cause stress-amazing how breathing differently can alter your whole demeanor.

At the end of the day, when the calm comes; we think about how we will think, act and exist the next day-why do we almost never uphold the highest standards? Capturing your own state of mind is not as hard as it sounds.

So put on a smile, straighten up your threads and kicks and start walking forward-you're missing out already.

Not Just For Yours Truly...

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