Monday, August 23, 2010

Whether You Are The Tortoise Or The Hare....

Patience...I hate patience!

When you hear people speak of 'a long recovery' or 'things will get better in time', does it make you totally mad?
I cant count how many times I have heard this, in different context.

Spent a day last week being told how far I have come, and to face some closure to situations I have been in over the past few years. Its nerve racking, but I am pretty confident.

Truth is, when people tell you these things about being patient, and when you do finally get to the end of whatever it is you have been through, you thank yourself so lucky for being able to be strong, independent and confident. 
Feels liberating huh?

Those moments when you lay your head down onto your pillow at night, sink deep into a hot bath, take a long walk or even just sitting somewhere staring into the distance, that is when things seem like they arent moving forward, but they are, because you are making time move forward.

Dont sit around waiting to be frightened, missing out on things in life, it does not matter what anyone says!
You are the best thing for yourself, you cant feel anyone else's feelings, so smile and keep on going.

Not Just For Yours Truly....

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